Why aren’t we acting more on climate change?

Session Two

Welcome to Session Two

Why on Earth aren’t we doing something about climate change?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? Greta Thunberg is famous for having stated that we should treat the climate crisis as the crisis it actually is, which is exactly what we should be doing!

However, to put humans in crisis mode, you need a few specific things, and we’ll get more into that in our next session.Today, we will learn a little bit of brain science as well as a bit of psychology to better understand how the human brain reacts to messages that are scary, alarming, and overwhelming.

Like any news on climate change!

We’ll begin by looking at how the brain reacts to things we desire versus the things we’d rather stay away from. We’ll also talk about the five mental barriers to taking climate action as well as how to overcome them.

Get ready to get empowered!

In this session:

  • Climate psychology 101

  • The five mental barriers to climate action

  • How to upend these barriers and activate change

  • Tips for talking about climate actions


Mindset Shifters

The homework for today is to start paying close attention to how you think about yourself and your place in the world. Are you shaming yourself to climate action and if so, how can you start inspiring yourself instead? 

Keep a notebook close if you want and start jotting down thoughts and words that you come by daily. Once you notice your “language” around climate actions, see if you can change them into something more empowering. Remember that your brain will only launch you into action if it thinks there’s a reward on the other end!

I'm attaching some mindset shifters here that you can start practicing if you wish. If one stands out to you specifically, maybe save it to your phone or print it out and hang it somewhere you can see it every day.

It's a powerful narrative when we start shifting the realities in our minds. But more on that in a later session...

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