I’m not vegan

Do you frown upon titles? Yeah, I don’t like em either, which is why I try not to say that I’m a vegan or a “zero-waste queen”, or jeez - even a Swede! Titles aren’t my favorites because they define someone, indicating that people don’t change. But we do change - all the time - and I want to have zero limits to who I can grow to become.

Yes, I’m a 99% plant-based eater, but that doesn’t mean that on occasion I’ll have an egg from a happy country chicken, or when on vacation - a little bit of cheese will slip into my meal. Do these “occasions” mean I suddenly don’t care for animals anymore? Of course not! Also - my perceptions of something might change, especially as the world around me changes. Right now, following a plant-based lifestyle seems to make the most sense - TO ME. It’s how I best align my values and operate as a conscious and thoughtful citizen in today’s world, but who knows about tomorrow? What new things may evolve that changes everything?

My point being - I don’t want to block myself from any empowering change by putting a title to who I am.

Some days I honestly feel more American than Swedish, a result of having lived in this country now for many years. And some days I might find that eating a locally sourced meal, grown intentionally and delivered with ethical and regenerative practices, is the most mindful choice there is (especially if the alternative is a plastic-packaged, long-traveled veggie dish!)

I prefer not to use “I AM”, but to say “I DO” or “MY INTENTION IS”, thereby not limiting myself with words, but allowing myself to grow.

If I AM to define myself as anything, it’s this: I’m a freaking babe on a mission! On a mission to evolve, to critically think and reflect, to curiously explore and find new ways, and to always return to me and ask: what do I think is right? At this very moment, who do I choose to be?

If you’ve struggled with figuring out who to be in this world, I give you permission to give it up! As long as you show up the most aware and thoughtful version of yourself as there is, trust my words - your title doesn’t matter.


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