How to Be an Optimist In Action

Optimism can seem like an empty word, like an attitude you just choose in the moment. Because what does it mean to be optimistic, really? And do we even have anything to be optimistic about?

In reality, to be an optimist takes work. For optimism to gain real meaning, you have to believe it, and to believe it you have to show up for that work and prove to yourself that it's possible. You have to be the change!

Fear Blocks Creativity

Climate change is scary and can fuel all sorts of emotions - fear, grief, anger, despair. You might feel like holding on to this "pain" is important, that it's the only way to “wake up” and get to work.

Yes, fear can be a powerful trigger for urgent action, but it creates a tunnel vision that only allows you to focus on what's right in front of you, right now. In other words, fear + anger blocks creativity and solution thinking.

In order to fight climate change and build a world that's not only sustainable but regenerative, economically flourishing, equal, and just, we need to think outside the box and look beyond the world we know today.

For that, we need bold decision-making and creative mindsets, which can only be found in optimistic hearts.

Optimism Can Be Practiced

When you realize you can practice optimism and commit to this work daily, you put yourself in power. You become the creator of - not just your own life - but the world you want to see as well.

That is why small, daily acts of activism matter. That is why starting conversations and choosing to learn can be transformative, and why a few empowered and optimistic thoughts really have the power to change the world.

Help fuel optimism with us

#OptimistInAction is a social media campaign that highlights the importance of staying positive and doing our part to create the changes we want to see in the world.

Started by Model/Activists Anne Therese Gennari and Robin Shaw, you are invited to join the movement to bring about the important systemic changes needed for a fair, just and sustainable world by thinking global and acting local. Every choice we make has an impact and we are so excited to work together to make our impact a positive one!

Please share!

Share why/how you are an #OptimistInAction and help make grounds for a socially just and climate optimistic world. You are welcome to use our digital assets or create your own. Continue to use the hashtag as you continue to make strides for a better world.

  • What does being an Optimist in Action mean to you?

  • Why do you think being an Optimist and taking Action are important? 

  • How do you show up as an Optimist in Action? (What do you do to make this world/the life of others better?)

Accounts to tag (if you’d like): @annetheresegennari and @robinxshaw (founders of #OptimistInAction)


What is Climate Optimism?


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